Grounded Body Scrubs

I’ve been very pleasantly surprised by a UK skincare company I’ve recently partnered with called Grounded Body Scrub. They make 100% all natural products that really work. Their post popular product is their coffee scrub. I highly recommend it for men (or women) who love really corse face scrubs. Men will often sometimes get dry […]

Artis Brushes

The Artis Brushes are the most premium brushes on the market currently. their main marketing point is that they work so well that you end up using less makeup and using less product overall and therefore saving money. My personal opinion is that, yes, they do help spread your makeup more evenly and you absolutely […]

Pink Hair

Several months ago I finally landed and steady full-time 9/5 job. If ur wondering why i haven’t really been posting, thats why. I then went to a tiny music festival in steventown in upstate new york. I then got some inspiration from mutual friends at the festival to color my hair pink! The reason I’m […]

Thank you Stelara!

As the saying goes, “You don’t know what you got ’till its gone.” When my Psoriasis began to appear on my body, I went into a deep depression. I thought, “Why me?” I covered my skin and hid from everyone, even my friends sometimes. I would get questions like, “What is that?” or “Are you ok?” from close friends and family members who were just worried, but it made me feel embarrassed and I just wanted to hide even more.

My skin started to clear after using Stelara for only 6 months, and I started to feel positive again. I found some skin oils and lotions that helped keep my skin moisturized and healthy. I started to play around with makeup more and learned to cover the red and flaky patches that were on my face. Finally, my skin completely cleared up and I haven’t felt hindered by Psoriasis at all since starting Stelara.

One day, I noticed that I had completely clear skin, and that I was looking at a strong, but also beautiful person. I have a nice nose that some people would get a nose job for, but I’ve never considered it a noticeable feature or special. I have beautiful straight blonde hair that I get compliments on a lot, even though I sometimes think its flat and boring. I have ample boobage that creates difficulties shopping, but that some people would love to have.

Everyone wants what we can’t have. But sometimes when something you take for granted (like clear skin) gets taken away from you, you learn to appreciate the things that God gave you. I know really appreciate simple things now, things that some people take for granted. Like being able to shave your legs without worrying about a scaly rough patch that you will cut yourself on. Or wearing a skirt or a dress in the summer without having to worry about people staring at you or asking, “Are you ok?”

Thank you Stelara, you changed my life. I feel satisfied with the body I’m in, I feel free to wear and do what I want, and I feel happy to be able to live my life without having to worry about my skin.

Video: Club Clio & MAC

On Friday, one of my best friends told me about this store called Club Clio that is a Korean makeup and cosmetics company that was recommended to her by a friend from college. She was told specifically about an eyebrow marker that acts like a temporary tattoo that can last up to a week! The sales women at the store says that you apply it at night and then comb your brows with the wand in the morning, and you’ll have perfect brows all day.

Sephora Lipstick Sample Bag

I may have been doing some Instagramming, but I know I haven’t done a blog post in a long time, and I apologize. Anyway, as I was buying gifts for friends and family at Sephora (I will not be listing the gifts I bought for obvious reasons!) I used a coupon code for beauty insiders […]