

So, getting to the holiday party last night was disaster because of Santa Con and the protests happening in the city, but we eventually got there to see my brother and nephews and other relatives. While my nephews had fun playing with their Legos and remote control cars, my brother made latkes and we all ate and drank together. We very quickly exchanged gifts because it took me and my parents so long to get to my brother’s house. I received a $100 Open Table dining check from one brother, and a nice bottle of prosecco from another. I got a wonderful customized suede bag with my initials on it from Mark and Graham from my aunt Maria. I also got a Stila magnificent minerals foil eyeshadow from my Mother, who knows me too well. I love all my Hanukkah presents and had a great time at my brother’s party. I hope you will be inspired to try and eat a latke!

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