Lush Purchase

Lush Products

After signing the “Ban the Bead” petition to ban the use of plastic beads in scrubs, I decided to go buy a natural scrub from Lush. A very nice salesperson got a bunch of different scrubs for me to try. A lot of them were pretty abrasive so I suggest you go into the store and try them out before you buy. I personally liked Rub Rub Rub the best because it was the most gentle.

After exfoliating I tried some creams, and fell in love with the Dream Cream. It’s a lotion that moisturizes like a body butter. Its great for irritated skin because it has Oat Milk in it. The salesperson said I should also try the Dream Shower Wash so I decided to get a sample. She says these two products together create extremely soft skin.

I also bought the Enchanted Eye Cream because it was highly recommended to me by a friend. The salesperson at Lush said that a lot of people go to Sephora and buy an eye cream with acid in it and you shouldn’t do that because that area has the thinnest skin and is really sensitive. She also said that I could add extra liquorish root to this eye cream and it will have more lightening power.